• 父母的选择 Flyer

  • Library Book Opt-Out Form
    Fill out the form on this link if you wish to limit books your child is allowed to check out from a school library.

    Book Challenge Form
    Fill out the form on this link if you wish to formally challenge the appropriateness of a book's content.

    Parent Volunteer Form
    Fill out the form on this link if you're interested in being involved in 谢尔曼ISD's book challenge process. 

  • 谢尔曼ISD recognizes that a student's parent/guardian has the final decision on the materials/library books an individual student uses and reads.  然而, the wishes of one child's parent/guardian to restrict the reading or viewing of a particular item may infringe on another parent/guardian's rights to permit their child to read or view the same material. 另外, the diverse needs of students are considered when materials are being selected, with an emphasis on ensuring that materials are free from bias and address student needs concerning equity, 比赛, 贫困, gender communities, 心理健康, 语言, 和技术. Not every selection is relevant for all readers. All 谢尔曼ISD students are instructed by teachers and librarians that if they choose a book that makes them uncomfortable, they should return it and make another selection.